Friday, March 4, 2016

100 Days of Running!

This blog has been a quiet place the last few weeks, but today is worthy of a celebratory post.  Today I celebrate my 100th consecutive day running.

My Victory Dance

Going back through my Strava, I estimate (not exact because I know a few activities weren't logged there) that I ran more than 265 miles in those 100 days.  Many of them were the bare minimum mile just to keep the streak alive, especially when it was cold and icy.  But I never missed a day, even when I didn't feel like running.    <<<Patting self on back

It's been a busy time, these 100 days.  In addition to running every single day, I took on a lean body challenge that I am now going in to my 7th week.  Looking at the picture above, I'd say I've come a long way in those few weeks.  I'm feeling and looking leaner and feeling great.  I set out to get my body in race ready shape and it's working.

Run to the Pub is one week from tomorrow.  This was to be my 2 hour half marathon.  I've been putting in a lot of hard work and I'm not sure I will hit that goal.  I can dig deep and pull off a few consecutive 9 minute miles (the pace needed to finish in my goal time), but stringing together 13.1 of them at that pace is more than I've proven I can do in training.  I know I have to re-evaluate my expectations so I can enjoy my race regardless of the outcome.  So... I have set a 3-tier goal:

1st goal (the BIG Kahuna goal): 2 hours
Secondary Goal:  2:10 - I've hit this time in training
Goal of last hope:  To beat my race PR of 2:20

My upcoming week will be easy workouts in the gym, one long run tomorrow (8 miles to make the final day of my runstreak 101 days - only because it falls on long run day), a couple of true rest days, lots of water and plenty of good carbs.  I'm super excited for my first big race of the season!

Extra, Extra!  Read all about it!

Mitch signed up to run the Yellowstone Half Marathon with me in June!  I am one happy runner wife right now.  No time goals for this one!  It is going to be all about the beautiful course and enjoying the chance to be a part of my husband's first big running event.

On a closing note, I leave for you a few photos from my 100 days of running!  So much more to come because training time just got serious.

From the snow....

(Above 3:  Running while on the road for work)

To beautiful spring sunshine....

It's been an awesome adventure, these last 100 days.  A special thanks to my dear husband who has put in some miles with me when I needed someone to keep me going.

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