Monday, May 1, 2017

My Training Plan is Hard; Minor (thankfully) Injury; & a Few Pics From the Weekend

Much has transpired in the months since my last blog post.  I ran my Run to the Pub Half Marathon and missed my goal by 18 minutes, partially thanks to being sick in the days leading up to it and partially due to a training plan I didn't trust.  As a result, I came off that race with determination to create a plan for myself that was 1. Sustainable based on my schedule, 2. Designed to meet my own personal goals and 3. Evolving as needed.  Since I wrote it, there is no shame in making changes to it if I feel it's not working.
I scheduled a 16 week plan with the ultimate goal of knocking 20 or more minutes off my last marathon time.  This progress is needed if I'm going to get to Boston Qualifying speed (more on getting to the BQ in my next post).  The basic structure is a 7 day plan (I'm still on a run streak - 163 days and counting):
Monday - HILLS (officially my least favorite and hardest workout of the week)
Tuesday - Junk Miles - not really junk but an easy run day of varying mileage
Wednesday - Rest day - Important even though I'm running every day.  One easy mile.
Thursday - Speed Work - varying drills each week
Friday - Same as Wednesday
Saturday - Long run
Sunday - Semi-long run with Mitch (usually on trails right now since the next two races he is doing with me are trail runs)
In addition to the running schedule, I have a full strength training schedule and go to the gym at least three days a week.
Since today is Monday, it's hill work day.  This is the first time I have incorporated this particular hill into my workout even though it is the entrance to my neighborhood.  It's half a mile and approx. 200 feet of gain.  It's steep and hard to walk up, let alone run.  I had to take a few breaks to catch my breath.  I did it twice in one run and let me just say, That Hurt!  

I'm on week 6 of this training plan.  Last week I had to take it easy because I've had a rough go with a nagging pain on the top of my right foot.  I tried to run through it for a couple of weeks, but clearly that wasn't going to work out for me at all.  So last week I did a majority of my running in the swimming pool at my gym.  Basically this consists of running in place in the deepest part of the pool (not very deep in this pool, so there was still a little impact).  The reduction in impact allowed my foot to heel.  It still has a little niggle, but it is so much better.  I was very thankful for my waterproof, wireless headphones to say the least!

Just to be on the safe side, I taped my foot for my weekend long run and trail run with Mitch. Never mind the mess.... we had a 7-year-old stay the night.  I have used KT Tape for IT Band issues, but this is the first time for a foot injury.  It worked great.

My long run was tough.  I lost the mental battle early on, even though my foot felt better.  My planned 12 miler ended at 8.  Sometimes running is humbling.
Sunday was great.  Our trail adventure was more than half hiking so it was easy(ish) on my body.  Mitch and I found a new trail and spent lots of time taking in the sights.  I love the first flowers of Spring.

The views from the Rims in Billings were pretty stellar on this beautiful day.  Everything is turning green so it's like looking out on Paradise.  Enjoy it now... when summer is in full swing it gets rather brown.

Someone is being camera shy because I've been talking about blogging all weekend.  He thinks he's being cute and I have to admit that he is.

I'm striking a pose for my Paparazi!  Isn't this a neat rock formation??!  Unfortunately, someone thought it would be prettier with their graffiti spray painted on it.  People suck sometimes.

Mitch is doing his best to push it over.  That or he really needed to stretch out those calves.

Mitch spotted a grouping of paw prints on the trail. The lack of extended claws leads us to believe they are feline.  I would say a pretty big feline at that!  I know there are wild cats in the area.  I'm less intimidated by them than bears.

One of our after Sunday-Runday lunch spots is the Pickle Barrel.  This place has the best subs!  Besides... what is a running blog without food pics?


It's good to be back at the blog.  With a full race schedule this season, I have so much to write about.  Coming soon I'll be writing a review of my new Orange Mud hydration vest (spoiler: Its awesome), a bit about this year's race schedule, and talking about how I'm planning to get my Boston qualifier next summer.  Come back soon and check for updates.

The race schedule for 2017:
May:  Don't Fence Me In 12K Trail Run
June:  Yellowstone Half Marathon
July:  Missoula Marathon
August:  HURL Elkhorn 50K
September:  The Rut 11K
October: The Columbia Gorge Marathon

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