It's not the topic of this post, but I'm working through my Running Coach lessons. Current module of study is the skeletal system. It's going to take just a little while to get through this part. My main study day is Monday because I don't have a run on my schedule which frees up my evening.
Living in Montana and training for a spring marathon means that I have to deal with snow, ice, cold, wind and dark to get in all of my runs each week. So far we've had a pretty mild winter, but this last week we got just a wee bit of snow.
Since I work a day job, I either have to run before 6:30 am or after 5:00 pm which translates in to running in the dark. There was a little light out when I started....
Then the snow really started coming down. It was also very windy so it was driving right into my eyes and/or ears depending on which direction I was running at the time.
Darkness set in about mid-way through my run. This picture is cool because the sky looks purple!
I pull out the trusty trail shoes when I have to run on snow and ice. My Salomon Speedtraks have awesome traction. I don't think they are making these anymore which makes me sad.
These are my secret to warm feet! The neoprene toe covers are designed for cyclists, but they are perfect for keeping my toes warm when running in bitter cold or just running in snow. They are a bit more comfortable with my Altras because there is more room in the toe box. Note: If you buy these, you should get the black ones. These pretty pink ones bleed through shoes and socks!
A fun fact about Mitch and me is that we have 13 grand kids. My daughter, Michaela is getting ready to move her family to North Carolina in a couple of weeks so three of the grand kids are going to be so far away! Maci and Logan came to spend the night with us this weekend (our other grand daughter is only four months old so she didn't join the slumber party). Aren't they so cute?! I'm going to miss them so much!
When it snows, we have the perfect back yard for sledding! Even the neighbor's kids like to come use our hill from time to time. I usually hate snow but I was thankful we had a bit so the kids could enjoy it when they were here.
Saturday was long run day and I needed to get in 15 miles. Since the kids stayed over on Friday, I didn't get out very early in the day. By the time I started running I had ZERO motivation to get through 15 miles. My original plan was to run three 5 mile "loops" in my neighborhood but during the first one I knew I wasn't going to be able to motivate myself to get back out for two more. I asked Mitch if he wanted to go run five with me at Black Otter Trail. He agreed, but I think he was sorry he did. We had a wicked head wind and all uphill for 2 miles and then turned around to go back to the car. It was much easier that way. Silver lining - It was sunset while we were up there, so the view was quite lovely.
So 5 miles in the neighborhood, then 4 miles on Black Otter Trail left six miles to go to finish my long run. I opted to get those done on the treadmill rather than run outside in the wind in the dark. I made it through by listening to these three songs on repeat the whole time.
Today I had a hill sprint workout. Talking myself in to going out was tough since the winds have been in the 30 mph range all day. I did it, but I skipped the warm up and cool down so the ten intervals only racked up 1.5 miles.
It is CJ's birthday (grand daughter). She is TWO! We stopped by to drop off her presents and watch her eat her birthday cupcake. She was being so dainty, picking the sprinkles out of the frosting and taking little bites. It is my theory that it is because her mom opted for white frosting to avoid a big mess. If she had blue, green or pink frosting I am sure CJ would have rubbed it all over her face and hair.
Overall it was a good week. I did all of my Lean Body Challenge workouts, getting up at a ridiculous 4:00 am every day to make sure I could do them and get a ride to work (because I'm chicken about driving in the snow).
Run Training:
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - 10 miles on the treadmill - last five faster than the first
Wednesday - 4 miles (the snowy, dark run) - I did the wrong workout this day
Thursday - 7 miles on the treadmill (was supposed to be ten but we had a car break down and I didn't get home until late) - I did some sprint intervals for the first 3 miles of this run.
Friday - 4 miles of walk/run intervals on the treadmill
Saturday - 15 miles
Total for the week: 41.7
What are your favorite workout songs?
Driving in the snow.... love it or hate it?