Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October Sunsets, Time to Make Changes & a Few of My Favorite Things

Last week I had to go on an impromptu business trip to Washington.  I was only home from the Colorado trip for 4 days before I flew out again.  This time I wasn't very comfortable in the area I stayed so I did not get outside for a run.  I did go to the hotel fitness center for one good treadmill (weird to put those two words together) run.

Almost worth blogging about was the guy on the treadmill next to me who nearly biffed it while trying to look at his phone while walking.  I managed to keep my snickers to myself.  Maybe he just saw this on facebook:

On my flight home, I had a window seat and the most beautiful show.

And today on my run, I was graced with another beautiful view.


In the last six weeks I have come down with two colds, two UTIs and been on two business trips.  This has wrecked HAVOC on my running schedule to say the least.  I haven't had an immune system breakdown like that in several years.  It's been frustrating but admittedly I couldn't ask for better timing.  I'm not training for any races so the cut in mileage isn't that big of a deal.

My diet and exercise have suffered since my marathon.  Ok... my diet has been suffering since summer started.  I don't know what has gotten in to me (other than food).  I have to get back to my healthy lifestyle because I'm sure it is the key to getting and staying healthy.

Starting tomorrow I'm making a change.  Why put off until tomorrow what I can do today, you may ask?  Well, it is almost bedtime.

I'm going to make better food choices and no more skipping out on my run.  I may not be in official training mode, but it's going to take a lot of hard work to shave 20 minutes from my half marathon best time.


Next week I am traveling for work again and I expect the treadmill will be my workout of choice, but if it's a nice neighborhood and I get some daylight I'm going to get out and see the sights on foot!  It's been a gorgeous autumn here and by the looks of the weather reports I bet it is in Colorado next week too!


I never look forward to autumn.  It's not that I don't like the season.  I just don't like that it means Summer is over and Winter is almost here.  But a few of my favorite things come with Fall:

* Sunsets with fall foliage in the foreground
* The smell of leaves and crisp morning air
* Fall colors of course
* Cool weather for running
* My fuzzy robe
* Fireplaces
* Some of my favorite Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab scents
* Comfort food (Soup season and all things pumpkin!)
* Red wine
* Snuggling with extra blankets
* Thanksgiving

What are your favorite things about Autumn?


  1. My FAVORITE thing about Autumn (besides the fact that snow is just around the corner :) ) is that it has finally cooled off enough that I love to run again. Summer is too darn hot to get outside unless you are far up in the mountains!
    Better food choices? I am right there with you, let’s make this a holiday season full of great food choices and healthy living!
    And, BTW, I signed up for the Run to the Pub and I totally need your encouragement to get off my A$$!! Keep blogging and inspiring me and feel better darn it!

    1. That. Is. Awesome! I'm thrilled you will be doing the RttP too. :-)
      I'm totally a summer bum, but running in the heat sucks and even I know that. That's why I love to do my long runs in Red Lodge.
